Thursday, August 30, 2007

Drills on diction

1. bio – life, biology, In biology class you’ll be learning about life.
2. capit – head, decapitate, Many people were decapitated during the French Revolution.
3. cephal – head, cephalad, The area towards the head or anterior of the body is called cephalad.
4. corp – body, corpus, The body of a dead person or animal is an corpus.
5. crani – skull, cranium, The cranium protects the brain from being damaged.
6. dent – tooth, dental, Regular dental care is essential for healthy teeth.

7. hist – tissue, histology, Histology is the scientific study of the microscopic structure of plant and animal tissues.
8. later – side, lateral, everything on the side of the body is considered to be the lateral part of the body.
9. ocul - eye, oculist, an oculist is a person skilled in testing for defects of vision.
10. oste – bone, osteoblast, A cell from which a bone is developed is called osteoblast.
11. phag – eat, phagocyte, A phagocyte is a cell that engulfs and digests debris and invading microorganisms.
12. pleur – side, pleura, Pleura is a thin serous membrane in mammals that envelops each lung and folds back to make a lining for the chest cavity.
13. quad – four, quadriceps, a muscle of the thigh that extends the leg is called the quadriceps.
14. Stern – chest, sternum a bone or series of bones extending along the middle line of the ventral portion of the body of
Ab away from, abduct there was a five year old kid abducted from his school.
ad – toward, adrenal the adrenal glands are near the kidneys
3. Angi – vessle, angiography, angiography is the Examination of the blood vessels using x-rays following the injection of a radiopaque substance.
auto – self, autograph Normal people love getting autographs from Celebes.
Centi – hundred, centimeter A unit of length equal to one hundredth
Circum – around, circumflex to bend around.
Dextro – right, dextrad the right hand is sinistrad to the body
epi – upon, epigastric
ex – out of, excision
inter- between, internnal All organs are internal.
non – not, nonviable not capable of living or developing successfully
Ortho – straight, orthopedic my grandmother wears orthopedic shoes.
Path – disease, pathology a pathologist studies disease.
Pseudo – false, pseudopod temporary outgrowth used by some microorganisms as an organ of feeding or locomotion
sinistro – left, sinistrad the left hand is sinistrad to the body
cide - kill, aborticide aborticide is when your getting rid of a fetus
itis – inflame, hepatitis my uncle has hepatitis
Logy – study of, histology in histology you study organic tissue.
meter - measure, pedometer people run for exercise may wear a pedometer
Plasty- formed, osteoplasty osteoplasty is plastic surgery on a bone to repair a defect or loss