Saturday, September 22, 2007

What if assignment?

How would your life be different if you did not have bones in your feet and hands?
Life would be completely different if we didn't have bones in our hands and feet.
In life we do alot of things with our hands. For example picking up things, it wolud be impossilbe to do without the bones. The bones help support the body so wihtout them in our feet we wouldn't be able to stand or move around, both our hands and feet would be like jelly. Everyone would have to get wheel chairs to survive without these bones.

How would your life be different if you did not have muscles inside your face? We have alot of muscle in our faces. With those muscles we are sometimes able to talk and express our feelings and emotions. Our faces would be saggy we wouldnt be able to communicate verbally with each other. life wouldnt be to bad with the bones missing in our faces because we could always use pencil and paper to communicate.

How would your life be different if your spine was one long bone as opposed to multiple bones?Our spine helps to keep us up right. Having one long bone would also keep us up right but we would be stuck in that position, and there would be less movement. We are able to move our bodys around because the body has multiple bones. For example bending over to pick up something it probably would be very painful if we had one long bone for a spine. I think that we would be able to survive without changing anything.

How would your life be different if you had your skeleton on the outside? If our skeletons were on the outside of the body things wouldn't be so good. The bones are inside the body to protect internal organs and also to support the body. I believe that it would be very painful, and I dont feel that there would be any changes that we could make that would help us to survive.

1 comment:

Duval said...

Good job!! I can tell you really thought about your answers.