Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Reproductive system vocab

corpus luteum Structuure that forms the tissue of a ruptured ovarian follicle and secretes female hormones

epididymis an elongated organ on the posterior surface of a testis that constitutes the convoluted beginning of the vas deferens.

gonad A sex cell producing organ

meiosis A form of cell division that halves the genetic material resulting in egg and sperm cells

oocyte An immature egg cell

ovary The primary reprodutive organ of a female

placenta Structure attaching a fetus to the uterine wall providing a conduit to recieve nutrients and excrete wastes.

scrotum Apouch of skin that encloses the testes.

seminiferous tubule Tubule within the testes where sperm cells form
testis Primary reproductive organ of a male

vulva The external reproductive parts of the female that surround the opening of the vagina

blastocyst An early stage of prenatal developement that consists of a hollow ball of cells

embryo A prenatal stage of development after germ layers form but before the rudiments of all organs are present

fetus A human embryo after eight weeks of development

implantation The embedding of a cleavage embryo in the lining of the uterus

lactation Production of milk by the mammary glands

umbilical cord Cordlike structure that connects the fetus to the placenta

yolk sac An extraembryonic membrane connected to the embryo by a long narrow tube

zygote Cell produced by the fusion of an egg and sperm

ultrasound a diagnostic examination

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